The Tuper Oil and Gas unit operates in the steel tube market for the oil and gas sector, producing carbon steel tubes welded through the HFIW – High Frequency Induction Welding process. These tubes are used in various applications in the oil and gas industry, including transportation using API 5L tubes, as well as in production and exploration (OCTG) with API 5CT tubes. Approximately 70% of the unit’s production is directed towards the oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical, and mining sectors, while the remaining 30% serves other segments such as industry and construction.
Coated Pipes – Enhanced Durability and Reduced Corrosion
One of the differentiating factors of Tuper’s API tubes is the coating. Coated pipes offer greater durability as they are more resistant to corrosion, which is the primary challenge for the longevity of pipelines used for oil and gas transportation. Externally coated pipes are used in projects such as gas pipelines, oil pipelines, and mining pipelines, among others, where they are exposed to adverse environmental conditions. Tuper employs state-of-the-art technology to combat this wear factor, using triple-layer polyethylene (3LPE) coating, triple-layer polypropylene (3LPP) coating, and double or single-layer thermally cured epoxy (FBE) coating. The coating ensures anti-corrosion and/or mechanical protection for the pipes, as per the application’s requirements.
Expansion Works of Gas Pipeline Networks in Brazil Utilize Tuper’s Technological Products
Tuper Oil and Gas is involved in significant projects across various Brazilian states. The company recently completed the supply of 107 kilometers of API-certified (American Petroleum Institute) steel pipes for one of the most important natural gas projects in the country: the Botucatu – Laranjal Paulista project, led by the Spanish group Gas Natural Fenosa. Besides this project, Tuper also participates in other major undertakings, including the expansion of SCGás (Santa Catarina Gas Company), Compagás (Paraná Gas Company), and Comgás (São Paulo Gas Company).
Considered one of the largest natural gas expansion projects in the country, the Serra Catarinense project supplies gas to economically significant regions of Santa Catarina, passing through 16 municipalities from Indaial, in the Itajaí Valley, to Lages, in the Serrano Plateau. Tuper delivered over 100 kilometers of piping for this completed and delivered project.
In the case of the Compagás project, which involves expanding the supply network in Paraná between the municipalities of Castro and Carambeí, 10-inch API 5L line pipe tubes were used over a distance of more than 60 kilometers. For Comgás in São Paulo, Tuper supplied approximately 30 kilometers of pipes.
About Tuper
With over 50 years of history, Tuper is one of the largest steel processors in Latin America. The company has eight business units in three industrial plants and supplies products to various sectors, including construction, automotive, agribusiness, oil and gas, among others. Their product portfolio includes tubular solutions for industrial, structural, and conducing applications, tubes for oil and gas, automotive solutions, and construction systems. Learn more about Tuper.